Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Corporate Media Coverups of Police Murder Look Like

What the medial tells you shapes how you see things.

Each time the cops murder someone, count the minutes before the corporate media rushes to give a microphone to the police spokesperson.  Count the minutes it takes to come up with a story that paints the cop in an angelic light.  Count how long it takes the media to slander the victim.  Locate, in each and every story about the murder, the place where the corporate media repeats these initial lies or fails to notice a change in the story.  Locate, in vain, the contradictions with non-cop testimony, evidence, findings, other events.  See if you can find any mention of other cop murders, no matter how many there are.  Notice the similarities to the proposed solutions:  commissions with no power to commit, the bad apple myth, apologies from those we vote to change these things, but who never do.  Anyone who thinks cop murder is wrong and has the courage to say so out loud is labeled a radical, by definition evil and wierd.  Anyone who thinks singing Kumbaya and sitting in chairs listening to "leaders" tell you how they're going to solve the problem doesn't prevent cops from killing people is labeled dangerous.  The corporate media always sides with the cops defending windows, but never with human beings who are murdered, attacked, beaten, raped, or tortured by the cops. 

Now, on to a story about a funny dog in Lynnwood.

From an observer of the recent inquest into the killing of David Young
by Federal Way police:

The inquest jury returned their findings on Thursday, March 17, 2011.
Their answers to the "interrogatories" (questions) are below.  The
questions themselves show the almost complete uselessness, from a legal
perspective, of inquests as they are currently constituted.  None of the
questions covered the issues raised by the sworn inquest testimony of
the man against whose fence the truck David Young was driving came to
rest.  He testified Wednesday afternoon that, as he was pulling into his
driveway after work, he heard the shots that (he later learned) struck
David Young.  He hurried to his deck to watch, and video, what happened
next.  He heard police issue commands over a loudspeaker to David Young,
who was still in the truck, of "driver, you are under arrest, come out
with your hands up or you will be shot" two or three times, with no
response from David.  Then "come out with your hands up or we will
release the dogs" twice, with again no response from David.  Finally,
"if you cannot comply, raise your right hand" twice about 30 seconds
apart, and both times David raised his right forearm well above his
shoulder.  This shows that David was still alive after having been shot,
possibly with a Gabrielle Giffords-type wound.  The man also testified
that about 40 minutes elapsed from then until when David was removed
from the truck and given aid.  But note that none of the questions the
inquest jury were asked considered that testimony, such as "Did Federal
Way police allow David Young to unnecessarily bleed to death?"

Also, the corporate media again showed their bias.  One article in the
Seattle Times (see link below) did mention that Marie Young, David's
mom, "said that her son had bled in the truck for 45 minutes before he
received medical aid", without noting that it was actually sworn inquest
testimony that "said that her son had bled in the truck for 45 minutes
before he received medical aid".  Even that much was only reported due
to the October 22nd Coalition Seattle affiliate members who organized a
poorly-attended press conference later on Thursday that featured David's
mother and father and their lawyer.  Little trust should be placed in
these corporate "news" sources.

David Young was just one of what we estimate are about 1,000 killings by
police in the U.S. every year, or about 3 per day.  He was killed on
August 31, 2010, the day after John T. Williams was killed by Seattle
police.  But few people know that it's this bad, and "mainstream" media
twists the truth to make what most people would consider unjustifiable
killings by police appear to be justifiable.  We need more people to
step forward to help expose the facts about police murder.


Interrogatory No. 1: On August 31, 2010, did Officer Leitgeb respond to the Wal-mart
Supercenter located at 34520 16th Avenue South in the city of Federal Way to investigate a
possible stolen vehicle?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 2: Did Officer Tseng also respond to the Wal-mart Supercenter located
at 34520 16th Avenue South in the city of Federal Way to assist with an investigation into a
possible stolen vehicle?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 3: Did one or both officers observe David C. Young get into the
suspected stolen truck?
YES _3_  NO _5_  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 4: While driving out of the Wal-mart parking lot, did David C. Young
refuse to stop for officers after they pulled in behind him and activated their emergency
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 5: Did David C. Young run a stop sign as he left the Wal-mart
Supercenter parking lot?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 6: Did Officer Tseng inform dispatch that the vehicle was not yielding
to police vehicles?
YES _4_  NO ___  UNDECIDED _4_

Interrogatory No. 7: Was Officer Leitgeb initially the secondary officer in the pursuit of
David C. Young?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 8: Would it have been obvious to David C. Young that the police
officers, through their use of the lights and sirens on their vehicles and by virtue of the way
they were driving, were commanding him to immediately stop the vehicle he was driving?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 9: Did Officer Leitgeb and Officer Tseng believe that David C. Young
was aware of their presence and was willfully failing or refusing to immediately bring the
truck he was driving to a stop?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 10: Did Officer Tseng attempt to use a P.I.T. maneuver to stop the truck
that David C. Young was driving?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 11: Did Officer Leitgeb eventually move into position to become the
primary officer in the pursuit?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 12: Did Officer Leitgeb use a P.I.T. maneuver on the truck that David
C. Young was driving?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 13: Did Officer Leitgeb use a P.I.T. maneuver on the truck that David
C. Young was driving on more than one occasion?
YES _4_  NO _2_  UNDECIDED _2_

Interrogatory No. 14: Was a P.I.T. maneuver by Officer Leitgeb successfully used to stop
the truck that David C. Young was driving?
YES _6_  NO ___  UNDECIDED _2_

Interrogatory No. 15: Did Officer Leitgeb's vehicle collide with the truck David C. Young
was driving as a result of the P.I.T. maneuver?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 16: Did Officer Leitgeb exit his patrol vehicle and draw his department
issued Glock .40 caliber firearm?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 17: When Officer Leitgeb exited his patrol vehicle was he in between
his Federal Way Police Department Charger and the truck driven by David C. Young?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 18: Was David C. Young given commands to put his hands up by
Officer Leitgeb?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 19: Did David C. Young comply with these verbal commands?
YES ___  NO _8_  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 20: Was David C. Young still in his truck revving its engine after being
given verbal commands by Officer Leitgeb?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 21: Did Officer Leitgeb observe David C. Young's right hand on the
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 22: Were the wheels of the truck that David C. Young was in turned to
the right?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 23: Did the truck move back in the direction of Officer Leitgeb?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 24: Did Officer Leitgeb believe that David C. Young posed a threat of
serious bodily harm to himself or others at the time he fired his gun the first time?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 25: Was Officer Leitgeb's fear of being injured or killed reasonable?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 26: Following the first series of shots fired by Officer Leitgeb, did the
truck that David C. Young was driving move forward in the general direction of where
Officer Tseng was?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 27: Did Officer Leitgeb fire a second series of shots from his
department issued Glock .40 caliber firearm?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 28: Did Officer Leitgeb believe that David C. Young posed a threat of
serious bodily harm to himself of another person at the time he fired a second series of
YES _6_  NO ___  UNDECIDED _2_

Interrogatory No. 29: Under the circumstances was Officer Leitgeb's belief reasonable?
YES _5_  NO _2_  UNDECIDED _1_

Interrogatory No. 30: Did Officer Leitgeb fire nine shots?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 31: Was David C. Young hit by one of the nine shots fired by Officer
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 32: Did the vehicle that David C. Young was in travel across the
roadway following the shooting and crash into a fence?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 33: Did David C. Young die on August 31, 2010, in King County,
Washington from a gunshot wound resulting from a shot fired by Officer Matthew Leitgeb?
YES _8_  NO ___  UNDECIDED ___

Interrogatory No. 34: Did Officer Leitgeb and Officer Tseng approach the truck after it
collided with the fence and come close enough to observe that David C. Young had been
YES ___  NO _7_  UNDECIDED _1_

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